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God loves you with an everlasting love. I’m sure you’ve heard this before. But it’s real. It’s REALLY real. Sin entered this world when Adam and Eve sinned by not taking God’s best that He offered them freely and instead, taking what He told them would kill them. They were deceived by satan into thinking taking what God said would kill them would be better than receiving the things that God gave freely because of His love for us. To this very day, satan is trying to convince people, you included, that what you can get that will hurt you is better than what God gave to you freely out of love. God sent his Son, Jesus Christ, to die for your sin to show you how much He loves you. All you have to do to be reconnected with God who loves you is to believe this is true and live for Him. If you are ready to enjoy God’s goodness in your life, pray the prayer below!
Pray this prayer
God, I know that my sin separated me from You and from all the good that comes with You. I need You in my life. Forgive me of my sins! I believe in my heart that You’re real, that Your Son Jesus is real, and that Jesus took the punishment for my sin by taking my place on the cross. I believe Jesus died for that reason and that You raised Him from the dead and He’s alive right now. I say out-loud that Jesus is my Lord, in charge of my life, and I commit to follow you all my days. Thank You for saving me, filling me with Your Holy Spirit, and making me brand new. In the name of Jesus, AMEN!
If you just prayed that prayer and would like us to pray with you personally, click the button below!